Thursday, January 8, 2009

..spice up yo life..

i learned a really cool life lesson today 
and i feel the need to share..

while i was previewing the new fall/holiday 09 Dakine line the rep and i came across the conversation of the people i work with.  After answering with umms and grunts he shared with me something he learned back when he was a prep for a restaurant. 

rep: people are like spices...

me: huh?

rep: yeah, each person is their own spice.  

me: (looking completely confused & thinking this guy is nutts)

rep: when I was a prep at this restaurant, I asked the chef: "how to do you create all these meals? does it just come to you?"  So the chef brought out all of his spices and set them on the table and asked me to try them one by one.  Some where bitter, some where sweet.. some where just completely nasty.. 

then the chef had me try things together.. and they combined created a whole different taste. resulting in the chef's theory that a single spice may not be anything great by themselves, but when combines with numerous spices you create a masterpiece to the tastebuds. 

me: thinking...

rep: So we are all a different "spice"... we have our own personality.. Some people are bitter & nasty by themselves and we can't stand being around them..(not forgetting the complaining and shit talking that comes with it..) But when combined with another "spice" who brings different qualities to the table... something great is created!  

me: jaw dropped...

lesson for the day... 

each person is their own different & unique self.. whether they are a complete ass hole, a tight wad, a push over, a ass kisser, a sweet talker, or even just a plain hard worker...
(believe me i could go on with the name calling) 

we are who we are... 

but even the most grueling aspect of one person could be the greatest marriage of personalities with another.. it works for businesses, relationships, and even friendships... by just stepping out of the box and thinking "how can "this" help?"  there's the possibility of that light at the end of the tunnel...

 get some ear plugs... just in case.. :)


kittenmasks said...

I got it from Oak NYC, but it was a while ago... I saw one at the Surface 2 Air store in Paris. I'm pretty sure they ship.

KATLIN said...

Wise man your rep is.