I REALLY enjoyed this movie..
I expected this movie to be your typical chick flick.. but when a friend recommended it and said I'd really enjoy it.. I said.. "eh why not!" I have a mound of movie passes that needs to be used before I jet of to the big apple..
my thoughts? Totally not what I expected! I loved it! Written and directed by Woody Allen, you would think what the heck was he thinking with Owen Wilson? Wrong! The story was sort of drawn out and some what depressing, but throw in a light hearted comedian.. and voila! Don't get me wrong.. this is a love story, but not your courted, hot passionate, tear jerking love story.. This kind of fantasy is focused on things one is passionate about.. the things/thoughts that make you tick, give you goose bumps, and gets ya all excited inside... For him: writing.
If you like/love the Fitzgeralds, Hemingway, Stein, Picasso, Toulouse-Lautrec... you'll like this movie...